Do you have self esteem and confidence issue?
I was responding to a question at yahoo answers
and I reflected about myself a few years back.
This was my reply and I thought that it is a
good sharing for you...
I used to be like you having a self esteem and
confidence issue.
I am not sure about you, but I have an issue to even
pick up the phone to order for a pizza delivery. It
was that bad. Serious.
The incidences that happened subsequently helped me
to raise my self esteem and confidence level one step
at a time.
1) Working part time at a market research company
It was the holiday period and my friends wanted to earn
some extra spare cash and so they got me along. Little
did I know part of the job scope if to pick up the phone
to call and to conduct surveys.
You bet it was jittery the first few encounters, I would
literally feel the shiver within my voice.
However as the days go by, it just came naturally to
pick up the phone to call and conduct the surveys.
Ever since, after this short stinct at the market
research company, ordering pizza is a breeze =)
2) That's over the phone, like you, I have all the butterflies in the world felt deep within my guts when it comes to presentation.
You may be taught to treat your audiences as trees
or just look over their heads and just treat as if
you are talking to yourself.
Physiologically, my legs just goes soft by itself
when it is my turn to speak and present. Can you
feel that?
Your legs are weak and you have to manage your tone
of voice because they seem to jingle together.
>> I approached the President during a medical congress
What a coincidence, I was working part time to raise
funds for a charitable organisation by selling calling
cards. We were told that the President was going to drop
by our booth.
We were preparing and were anticipating his arrival when
he did a U turn to the reception area and miss our booth
Confession over here, I did not know what got into me
but I mustered my courage to go near to the reception
area, obviously I was stopped by his guards and the
event organisers.
And then I took out my notepad and wrote a short note
that I am representing this charitable foundation to
raise funds and would like him to take a look at it.
Call me naive or whatever.
I was rejected first by the even organiser. BUT i was
adamant and told the event organiser to pass it to his
personal assistant. I am glad that at least he did me a
favour by passing the note to him.
Then this uniformed personnel came out and say that he
will stop the President for me when he is leaving the
reception in a moments time and suggested I should take
a photograph with me.
That moment was it.
A gush of elevated confidence and self esteem filled in
every cell that was present in my body. I walked up to the
President, presented the calling card to him and I did not
have a camera with him, but the flashes kept coming from
event photographers and the National Archives.
Even though I have to purchase the photographs from the event
organisers and National Archives.
That was the day that I breakthrough. It was the new benchmark
that I set for myself that resonate within me till now.
Whenever I hesitate to approach somebody, I will tall myself
this, "If I have the courage to approch the President, who is
XXX to stop me, I can do this!"
What I want to share with you is this, step out of your comfort zone,
do something really crazy, approaching the President is
a really mad thing to do for me at that time.
More importantly, you need to find a way to set the new benchmark
for yourself to breakthrough.
Wow! Thank you for asking this question, because I just
realised I have new information for my blog readers =)
This is a real life story and I have got proof of the
photographs =)
JY With President Mr. S.R. Nathan
I would invite you to my blog to see if there are any other
resources that are of help to you. It is at
I sincerely hope this sharing is of help to you.
Take care!
JY Chia
Your Self Help Motivator
One of my success and self help resources comes from
Success University. I am not sure if it will help you,
but the videos and audios definitely helped me a great
I hope this sharing has been useful to you.
If you have any suggestions to improve your self esteem
and confidence level, please share with us at the comments
box below. Thank you in advance!
JY Chia
Your Self Help Motivator =)
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